Each year it seems that automobile manufacturers come out with a new feature to assist drivers in staying safe and secure while on the road. It is really exciting when you purchase a new vehicle and it has all the bells and whistles…although sometimes it can be a bit confusing especially if you are not[…]
Driver Assist Features
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized Jun 27, 2019
ATTENTION: Michigan Automobile Owners!
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized May 03, 2019
LEARN THE REAL REASON YOUR INSURANCE PREMIUMS ARE GOING TO INCREASE! Effective July 1, 2019 Michigan is the only state that has “Unlimited Medical Coverage/Benefits”. This is the Cadillac of coverage in the event you suffer severe physical injuries in an automobile accident. In other states, like Indiana for example, a maximum payout limit is[…]
Defensive Driving Techniques
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized Feb 28, 2019
ys to stay safe while you’re on the road is through defensive driving. The goal is to prevent accidents in spite of others actions or the presence of adverse driving conditions. To avoid accidents through the use of defensive driving, do the following: Remain on the lookout for hazards—Think about what may happen as far[…]
Are You Getting the Nutrition You Need?
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized Feb 21, 2019
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) created MyPlate, which is a symbol to help with healthy food choices. Here are suggestions for fulfilling the food groups represented on the nutrition plate. Fruits—Any fruit or 100 percent fruit juice counts for this group. Vegetables—Any vegetable or 100 percent vegetable juice counts for this group. Grains—Examples of[…]
Roadside Emergency Kit
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized Jan 31, 2019
Whether you are taking a casual drive or embarking on a long road trip, you never know when an emergency will arise. As such, it’s important to have a roadside emergency kit packed in your vehicle. Consider including the following 16 items in your kit: First Aid kit Crucial Medications Water and Nonperishable food items[…]