Dealing with a home break-in is every homeowners worst nightmare. Not only does a home burglary result in physical losses, but it can also result in a lost sense of security and emotional trauma.
Oftentimes, victims of home invasions are so overwhelmed that they don’t know how to react.
Here are the steps you should take after your home has been broken into:
Contact the Police
As soon as you realize your home has been broken into, you need to call the police. Do not touch anything and refrain from walking through your home until the police arrive. The criminal could still be inside your home, and they could pose a danger to you.
Remain Calm
As you wait for the police to arrive, it’s important that you do not fall into a panic. Take a couple of deep breaths and go through everything that you need to take care of. By meticulously thinking through the steps you need to take, you can settle yourself back down and ensure that you are completely handling the situation.
Document Damage and List Missing Items
Once the police canvas the scene and assure you that you are safe to walk through your home, snap photos of any damages to your home or personal belongings. Additionally, write down any items that are missing. Gathering this information will help you when it comes time to file your claim.
File a Claim
Finally, call your homeowners insurance provider to begin your claims process. Your agent will be able to walk you through the ordeal and may request a copy of the police report along with photos of the damage and the list of your missing items. It’s important that you jumpstart the claims process as soon as possible; this way all the details are fresh in your mind.
Remember, having the right homeowners insurance protection is a key part of recovering from a home invasion. Do you need assistance with your home coverage? If so, contact the experts at John Scott Insurance to get started today.