Find out what you need to know about filing a homeowners insurance claim.
Homeowners insurance is a must. It’s a safeguard to help you protect your home from disasters like house fires or home burglaries. While we invest in homeowners insurance, we hope never to use it. However, sometimes you must file a claim. Learn about how to file a claim so that you can get your home back in order quickly and efficiently. Here’s what you need to know.
Talk to Your Insurance Agent.
Soon after a disaster, it’s important to report damages to your insurance agent. That way they can help you fix the damage more quickly. The sooner you report the damage, the sooner able you are to repair the damage.
Document the Damage.
Once disaster strike, it’s important that you take plenty of photographs. It’s important that you have documentation of the damage and its cause to share with your insurance adjuster. That way you’re better able to show your insurance company what happened and what you need fixed.
Keep an Updated Home Inventory.
Often your personal possessions are lost in a disaster. Ensure that your personal items are accounted for in an updated home inventory. Keep an inventory of all you own and remember to add to it when you make new purchases. Ensure that you store your inventory in a safe place where it can be accessed even if your home has been destroyed.
Save Your Receipts.
Sometimes damage to your home is so bad, that you must temporarily relocate until the necessary repairs have been made. When it comes to temporary living expenses, it’s important that you keep documentation of all your expenses. That way you can submit them along with your claim for reimbursement.
When it comes to filing a claim, ensure that you’re prepared. Invest in the right homeowners insurance so that your home is well protected. For all your insurance needs, contact the professionals at John Scott Insurance.