Generally, your auto insurance will not cover maintenance for wear and tear or mechanical breakdowns. This is because these costs are expected and simply part of your responsibility as a car owner.
While your insurance will not cover maintenance issues, car insurance will cover other damages to your car.
How to differentiate between regular wear and tear and insurance covered damages.
Wear and Tear
This would be considered damage that is natural and inevitable. These small damages are a result of aging, use, and environmental exposures. Because wear and tear is expected, your car insurance will not offer coverage to address these damages.
Common examples of car wear and tear include the following:
- Rust/peeling paint
- Interior scuffs and ripped upholstery
- Worn mechanical parts (such as engine parts, brakes, and axles)
- Electronic failures
- General maintenance
Car Damage
Covered car damages are those that are unexpected and caused by circumstances outside of the natural aging process. Events such as a collision, vandalism, theft, fire, and extreme weather events are common causes behind car damage.
Some of the most common covered damages include:
- Windshield damage
- Dents (from collisions, severe weather, animal life, projectiles, and so on)
- Vandalism (scraped paint, spray paint, smashed windows, slashed tires, and so on)
- Fire
Turn to the insurance experts at John Scott Insurance for assistance today. Our dedicated team is always ready to help you with all your auto insurance needs.