Business insurance is likely one of the items on a list you have that keep sucking money out of your business and your pocket. You should look at it as an investment though. It’s a very important part of your business that you’ll most likely eventually need—even if you are the most careful of business[…]
When you own a small business you’re in charge of every single detail
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized Apr 25, 2017
April is National Autism Awareness Month
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized Apr 18, 2017
Research shows that one in every sixty-eight children are diagnosed with autism. During the month of April, there are presidential and congressional declarations to celebrate National Autism Awareness Month. There are also local and online events and activities to support the movement. Doing your part is easy! Simply by placing the logo badge on your[…]
Welcome to Our New Website & Blog!
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized Mar 05, 2017
John Scott Insurance Agency would like to extend a warm welcome to our new website and blog! Through our newly revamped website and blog, our team will update you on the latest news within the insurance industry while also offering regular lifestyle tips. Our blog will be your first stop for not only the latest[…]
We’re Going Social!
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized Mar 04, 2017
On top of releasing our new innovative website, we have also updated all of our social media pages including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. You can now communicate with us through whichever platform you prefer. We would love to receive feedback and find out what topics you want to learn about, feel free to comment on[…]