You have probably heard of umbrella insurance, but if you are still unsure of what it is and why you need it, we will explain more here. You can think of umbrella insurance as a way to build the defense up in your wealth strategy. It protects the money you have built up from being[…]
Why You Need Umbrella Insurance in Place
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized Mar 02, 2023
6 Reasons You Want an Umbrella Policy in Place
By Contractors Insurance Agency Uncategorized May 21, 2020
You may be wondering what exactly umbrella insurance is and if it is really something you need. A good way to view it is to ask yourself what would happen to your home, business, and family if you were sued for a significant liability charge? This is when an umbrella policy is needed and can[…]
The Most Misunderstood Policy and Why You Need It
By Contractors Insurance Agency Lifestyle Aug 01, 2019
You know the importance of homeowners insurance to cover your home and auto insurance to cover your vehicle but are you still a little foggy about umbrella insurance and why it is one of the most important and yet misunderstood policies? Think for a moment about what would happen if you were involved in an[…]