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michigan insurance

Time for a policy review

Insurance is one of those things in life that we know we need to have in place, but we want to make sure we are getting the best value for. Value though, doesn’t just mean cost. It also means coverage. Regularly reviewing and updating your existing insurance coverage is an essential step to ensure that[…]

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Here’s a fun fact for you. June is National Homeownership Month. In 1995, President Clinton’s administration began National Homeownership Week as a strategy to increase homeownership across the nation. In 2002, President Bush expanded it to the whole month of June. This observance not only supports the dream of homeownership, but it is also a[…]

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Life insurance is one of those policies we don’t really think about much.  If we are single, we don’t think we need it, but really, it is good for everyone to have it in place. It protects our families in the case that something happens to us. If you are single but own a home[…]

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We all know to drive safely, but we don’t always do it.  We may be running late and increase our speed to try to get to our destination quicker.  Maybe we are having an argument with a family member or friend and our focus is on the conversation we are having on the phone or[…]

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You have probably heard of umbrella insurance, but if you are still unsure of what it is and why you need it, we will explain more here. You can think of umbrella insurance as a way to build the defense up in your wealth strategy.  It protects the money you have built up from being[…]

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