When you are buying a new house, you always hope that you have good neighbors. You know, the ones you can borrow a cup of sugar from, that don’t throw loud parties and that you maybe even enjoying having coffee with.
September 28th is National Good Neighbor Day, which is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors better.
It is wonderful to have a good neighbor, but it is even more important to BE a good neighbor. When you are a good neighbor and you have good neighbors, over time, that can turn into a great friendship. You keep an eye on each other and help when times are tough and celebrate when times are good.
Here are some ways you can be a good neighbor (although I’m sure you already have these down!)
- Be complimentary. It goes a long way in creating a bond or breaking down barriers. You never know what your kind words can do for someone else or how they can change that person’s day.
- Share with your neighbors if you have extra veggies and herbs in your garden.
- Invite them to dinner in your home.
- Make sure your pets know them.
- Offer a gardening tip or other advice that could help your neighbor to have an easier time.
- Ask for their recommendations on local service providers. This shows you trust their judgement and are interested in their opinion.
If you are in the process of buying a home you also will need to have great homeowners insurance coverage which your mortgage company will ask for during the process, before the sale is even final. That is where the team at John Scott Insurance comes in. Reach out to us and let us provide you with a quote that will give you peace of mind, be the best coverage for you and have your mortgage process rolling out with ease as well.
We look forward to helping you and wish you the best in your home buying process and in finding fantastic new neighbors!