Generally, deciding to buy a new car or a used car depends on your individual circumstances and preferences. If you are struggling to decide between purchasing new or used, you might want to consider how each type will affect your Auto insurance in Michigan.
Here are some of the main differences between insuring a new car and a used car.
New Cars
There are many advantages of buying a new car over a used one. For instance, the vehicle won’t have any miles on it and it’s guaranteed to have a clean record.
Additionally, new cars generally have updated safety features that can help lower your insurance premiums.
Also, new vehicles tend to require less maintenance.
While these are definite pros to buying a new car, keep in mind they usually translate into higher auto insurance rates.
Used Cars
While many believe that buying a used car automatically means they will have to pay less for their auto insurance, this isn’t always true. For instance, if your car has been salvaged in the past, then this could affect your insurance rates.
Additionally, if the type of car you buy is popular among thieves, it doesn’t matter the age.
Additionally, if your car lacks modern safety features and has high mileage, this can increase the cost of collision coverage.
Before you decide to buy new or used, you should have a good idea of what it will cost to insure a prospective vehicle. To find the right Auto insurance in Niles, Michigan, turn to the insurance professionals you can trust. Contact the experts at John Scott Insurance to find the right coverage to fit your needs.