4 Tips for Organizing Your Home

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Your home is your haven, so whether it is just you and your family enjoying time there, or a host of other people, you want your home to be organized, clean and comfortable.

Your environment affects your emotions, behavior and productivity.  A messy home can have you feeling stressed and anxious rather than calm and relaxed.

Doing a deep cleaning at least once a month will help to keep down the number of germs, mold and allergy triggers there are around you. It will also keep away any unwanted visitors like bugs or rodents.

Cleaning your home actually makes you happier! Who would have thought that, right?! Just a simple task like washing the dishes can reduce anxiety and increase inspiration.  Why? Because it is a repetitive task you don’t have to think about.  You wash the dishes and your mind can wander and be more creative.

Keeping your home clean will allow you to sleep better in your bedroom, be more excited to cook in your kitchen or spend time around the dinner table together in the dining room.

You don’t have to tackle it all at once either.  Choose a room a day to focus on and have fun while you clean and organize.  Listen to your favorite music while you clean and it will keep your spirits high!

Here are those tips we know you will enjoy trying out:

  1. What order do you need to clean?

Prioritize the areas of your home that need to be cleaned out the most and get started. Focusing your energy on the places that need it most at the times that they need to be cleaned thoroughly is the best way to tackle a big project.

  1. Set a schedule.

Look at your list of priorities and create a schedule around it. This will help you to get started on the important tasks first and get them completed quickly and efficiently. This will help you stay on track.

  1. Turn up the tunes.

Tasks will go so much faster if you are jamming to your favorite tunes while you work.

  1. Donate.

For the items that you no longer use, you can donate them to a local charity to help all the people that could use the items you are no longer finding useful.

If you ever need support with your insurance needs, whether it is life insurance, car or auto, just reach out! John Scott Insurance Agency is always ready to help, whether it is for a large claim or just to answer a quick question you may have.


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